Survival times of former NBA players after their NBA career.
A data frame with 3962 observations on the following 3 variables.
Player ID
Time (in years) from end of NBA career until either death or July 31, 2019.
Death indicator (1, exact survival time; 0, right-censored survival time).
The survival times of former NBA players were analyzed by Martínez et al. (2022).
J. A. Martínez, K. Langohr, J. Felipo, L. Consuegra and M. Casals. Data set on mortality of national basketball association (NBA) players. In: Data in Brief, 45 (2022).
cumhazPlot(Surv(survtime, cens) ~ 1, nba)
#> Parameter estimates
#> weibull
#> Shape (se): 3.065 (0.078)
#> Scale (se): 59.858 (0.745)
#> AIC: 8823.07
#> BIC: 8835.639
#> loglogistic
#> Shape (se): 3.289 (0.088)
#> Scale (se): 56.138 (0.833)
#> AIC: 9051.418
#> BIC: 9063.987
#> lognormal
#> Location (se): 4.287 (0.029)
#> Scale (se): 0.942 (0.021)
#> AIC: 9917.451
#> BIC: 9930.02
#> gumbel
#> Location (se): 47.493 (0.626)
#> Scale (se): 22.362 (0.489)
#> AIC: 8773.697
#> BIC: 8786.266
#> logistic
#> Location (se): 53.077 (0.457)
#> Scale (se): 9.013 (0.218)
#> AIC: 8460.297
#> BIC: 8472.866
#> normal
#> Location (se): 53.004 (0.518)
#> Scale (se): 16.977 (0.368)
#> AIC: 8512.579
#> BIC: 8525.148